Comic Crusader

Publisher: Martin L. Greim

Date Published: 1970

Page Count: 36

Cover Price: 45ยข

Size: 8 1/2" x 11"

Other Artists and Contributers: Martin L. Greim, John Buscema, Joe Sinnott, Al Bradford, Al Bradford, Bob Kline, John G. Fantucchio, Mike Royer, Tom Fagan, Ron Sutton, Dan Adkins, Bill Black, Jim Jones, Dennis Fujitake, Rich Corben, Jim Steranko,

Notes: 36-page offset B&W fanzine featuring the 1970 New York Metro Comic Art Convention with photos of dozens of the pros of that time -- Wrightson, Kaluta, Cockrum, Wolfman, keynote speaker Neal Adams, Roy Thomas, Vaughn Bode, Jeff Jones, Steranko, Frazetta, and more. Also a review of Steranko's "History of Comics," Adams' speech, MAD magazine, the Warren Magazine Awards, Sword & Sorcery, and dozens of original illustrations.

Wally Wood: 2 photos of Wood at the 1970 N.Y. Comicon.
