Web Design Neil Riehle
Photo Manipulation Title Graphic Art and Design
Photo Manipulation

Homewood Truss commissioned this work that places the faces of the owners of JTS Builders on the side of Mount Rushmore. The ad was placed in a program book for an industry event.

Working from supplied photos, I positioned the new faces on the mountainside and used the cloning tool to make the textures look like the rock of the actual Mount Rushmore. Because I had to create five heads where there were originally four I placed the extra one on the right end and put a George Washington style wig on his head. It was a delicate balance to ensure that the "carvings" kept a close resemblance to the person depicted and yet looked like a monument in stone.

The image of Mount Rushmore is from a royalty-free photograph. The other photos were from snapshots with a wide range of light and color values and varying image quality.

Mount Rushmore

Copyright Neil Riehle ©2012